Only one test should be written inside a test method

Only one test should be written inside a test method

1. Before going forward, lets once again view the code we have written in our previous post below: (i.e. The code with more than one tests inside a single test method)

2. As its not a good idea to write more than one tests inside a single test method, lets Refactor the Selenium Automation code by writing all the 3 tests into a separate test methods as shown below:

3. Start the Selenium Standalone Server
4. Save and Run the ‘’ file by selecting the ‘JUnit Test’ option
5. In this case, Observe that the Firefox Browser has launched and closed for 3 times instead of once,  for performing the above three tests as shown in the below video.

Watch the Below Video:

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Why did the firefox launched and closed separately for each test method in the code ?

As we’ve three tests and we’ve written test method for each of our tests, hence we got 3 test methods in the Selenium Automation code. But in this case ‘chapter1’ page is common for 3 of the tests and hence its not required to close the application and launch it for performing the remaining tests. This has happened because of @Before and @After JUnit annotations.

The code inside the @Before and @After annotations will be executed once for each test method in our Selenium Automation code. Since we’ve three test methods in our code,  the methods under the @Before and @After got executed thrice (i.e. once for each test method).

How to resolve this problem ?

Suppose if we want to run the methods under the @Before and @After annotations only once, we’ve to replace these annotations with @BeforeClass and @AfterClass. (i.e. The method under @BeforeClass will be executed before executing all the test methods inside the class and The method under @AfterClass will be executed after executing all the test methods inside the class.

So to conclude the executing process will be as shown in the below screenshots:

@Before and @After:

@BeforeClass and @AfterClass:

You can research for implementation for the @BeforeClass and @AfterClass Annotations as well for confirmation.